Wow. The past month has been insanely busy. Andrew & I both interviewed for (and got!) new teaching jobs, I went to NYC for my college reunion, we spent a weekend in the Boundary Waters, and we've done a ton of work on the house.
And now, a month in pictures.
Friday night happy hour? No, we like to stay home and play with a jackhammer.

Goodbye ugly concrete path.

Hello lovely brick path and landscaping. I did all of the tilling, planting, and mulching. Andrew did the (almost finished) brick path. Our 4th of July project is to rebuild the steps. Say hi to rain barrel #3 too.

Beastly bushes before.

I dealt with this mess for seven hours one Sunday afternoon. I have never been so sore. What a workout! I found the following hiding in these bushes: a dozen empty booze bottles, tennis racket, child's shoe, glittery pink squirt gun (too bad it was broken), handful of barrettes, bottle of Gatorade (still 1/2 full), four pop cans, dead bird, compass, three flip flops, and a variety of other treasures.

Zen-like bushes after. I was originally planning to plant daylilies between the bushes, but the soil is really poor quality and there's landscape fabric dug down into it. So, I'll eventually get a truckload of river rock to fill it in.

Yay! A weekend break to the Boundary Waters. Where did THAT canoe come from?

Back to work.

A tilling party.

Veggies galore. You can also see the sight of a future brick path and MORE veggie space. Pretty much all grass in the sun will be turned into veggie garden. I'm hoping to put in raspberries next year. This year's transplants didn't make it.

Bad picture, but look! Peppers!

And lettuce!

I had a fabulous weekend in NYC catching up with my dearest friends at our five-year college reunion. Go Barnard!

What's next? Window treatments for the living room (I can't wait to rip apart these ugly mini-blinds!) and a new couch. Andrew did not want his picture taken :-)