Bathroom To Do List:
1. CLEAN it!
2. Regrout the tile.
3. Refinish the tub if it doesn't get clean enough.
5. Install my two craigslist finds
Craigslist find #1 - Shelf with Towel Bar ($10)
Craigslist find #2 - Vanity Light Fixture ($50)
6. Have Andrew build storage unit for towels etc. Maybe something like this that we can mount on the wall to avoid taking up floor space?
Or we'll just buy one of these from IKEA.
7. Either buy a new curtain rod or spray paint the existing one white.
8. Buy a new shower curtain and liner. I like the look of a simple white waffle weave. Target?
And because we all know projects are never 100% done, here's a list of things to do somewhere down the road...
-Have "Andrew & handy friends" knock out the shower window and install glass blocks with a vent.
-Replace the rubber shower hose with a nice metal one.
-Install a medicine cabinet. I'm loving this one from IKEA.
-If I ever find vintage iron steps I will so paint them white and steal this cute idea.
Before and After Pics Coming Soon!
i also have a blue bathroom with a white waffle shower curtain, good choices. :) love that turquoise color!